Monday, May 16, 2011

Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. He walked between villages taking his messages to Judaea.
People threatened to throw Jesus over the edge of a cliff.
Jesus had an outburst.
Jesus was arrested. The Roman Government, Pontius Pilot, it was obvious that the punishment the so called crime was crucifixion.
The decision to execute Jesus, would one day launch a wide spread Religion.
Pontius Pilot was ordered home in disgrace after crucifying Jesus.
Dinner was an affair; upperclassman sat on couches and was served by slaves.
Caligula would now become the Emperor of Rome.
Caligula lived up to expectations at first, but two years into his rule, he led an army north to Brittan. Than he ordered the people to collect sea shells while they were on a military expedition to invade Brittan.
Caligula had been ill the previous year. He might have suffered from bipolar behavior. People today don’t know if it was a disease that ran in the family or an illness.
They offered up a sacrifice to the gods. Caligula smashes the mallet on the head of the high priest instead of on the head of the animal.
Caligula would openly seduce his army’s wives at dinner parties and discussed their sexual performances at dessert.
A hereditary system was used.
Caligula brought Rome elite to its knees.
When Augustus gave out money and food the Jews received just as much as everyone else, but when Caligula did this and came into power the gifts were far from even.
Caligula was past caring.
When they entered Caligula’s presence they knew they were doomed. So they got on their knees and praised Caligula.
Ms. Alena had a lover that was a nobleman.
Guards were rushed to the lover of Ms. Alena’s lover and ordered to kill her and her mother.
When the officers arrived she was laying on the ground with her mother.
The doors gave way to the attack and the fatal blow blew. She was dead.

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