Thursday, March 24, 2011

In class we went over some of our quiz answers:
Aspasia - She was a trusted associates of Perciles, and may have even written some of his speeches.
Odysseus - He was a hero who had many adventures while trying to return home after the Trojan War.
Isagoras - In 508 B.C., he and his Spartan allies were driven from power by the very first "people's revolution"
Athena - This goddess is the patron of Greece's capital
agora - An open "place of assembly" where Greek citizens would gather to discuss the matters of importance
Olympics -  sporting competition where the common man could actually compete against aristocrats
arete - A notion of excellence and virtue; the act of living up to one's full potential
Homer - He composed the amazing stories The Iliad and The Odyssey
Dorians -When these less-advanced people dominated Greece, writing disappeared for 400 years and the economy collapsed
Xerxes - He watched from a gold throne as his forces were defeated at the Straits of Salmis
Athens - This city-state was the home of democracy and the head of the Delian League
Cleisthenes - He was recalled from exile and asked to build the world's first government of the people - a system of government we now know as democracy
Parthenon - The most beautiful and magnificent building of its time, it was dedicated to a goddess whose 40 foot statue was found within it
Oedipus - In a Greek tragedy, he was the main character who fulfilled a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother

We also went over the project that we have to do over spring break. I think I have an idea on how I am going to do mine. Mine has to be on the arts in Greece.

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