Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The laws that were written down in Ancient Rome was called the Twelve Tables. 
The laws were posted public so everyone would see them the people know which not to break and if broken what the consequences are. 

Monarchy - councils (There was usually two. If one didn't agree with the other it was a veto. They served for one year and than they were out and than had to wait 10 years until they could run again. 
Aristocracy - the senate (Was the group of senators.) 
Democracy - the assembly (elected their own from the ranks of the plebeians)

Who fought their way into Rome and actually destroyed part of Rome? The gulls . 
Who fought the Punic Wars? Carthage and Rome
Carthage general - Hannibal and Scipio 
Roman politic that shouted out things at every battle to get them fired up "Carthage must be destroyed" 

Mr. Schick also allowed us to retake our quiz I got a 100 (: 

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