Thursday, June 2, 2011

1. When Christianity became a real religion it was called the Edict of Milan.

2. The Huns were the most feared of all the barbarians.

3. Which half of the Roman Empire included most of the major cities and centers of trade? Eastern

4. Who sacked over 70 cities but failed to take over Constantinople in Rome? Attila

5. Inflation!

6. Which of the groups were not part of the invasion?
These were the groups that were : Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, and Vandals.

7. Who disrupted the trade? Barbarians

8. Why did the Roman Empire start recruiting the Barbarians into their armies? They would take low pay

9. What was the capital of the Western Half? Rome
    What was the capital of the Eastern Half? First Byzantium and than Constantinople 

10. Who was the last emperor of Rome? Romulus Augustulus

11. What happened in 476? The empire ended

12. What was one reason trade was disrupted in Rome? Nobody wanted to buy their goods. 

13. During the years what was the emperor beset by? Economic, military, and political problems.

14. True or False: Anyone who approached Diocletian's throne was required to kneel down and kiss the hem of his robe. True.

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