Friday, April 8, 2011

Emily Stasuk - Trail of Socrates - 98 %
1. Was Socrates highly respected in Athens or did he upset them?
2. What does non-democratic thinking mean?
3. What is more information on the trial? 
* She seems to have a good understanding about her project, but I don't know if she really knows the information that she is talking about. 
* She has a good power point, good information, and good images. 
* If she explained her power point I would of gave her a 100%, but I think over all she got a 98%. 
* She did a very good job (: 
Rachel Weskalnies - Greek Architecture - 99% 
1. What as the Erechtheum? 
2. What were the Order's? 
3. Were the Greek's the first one's in the world to start agriculture?
* Her video was good! 
* Her power point was good! 
* Her model of Parthenon was good!
* Overall she did a really good job and it seems that she had fun with her project!
* She could of had a little bit more knowledge of the information. But other than that great job! (:
Elena Fernandez - Greek Poets - 90 %
1. What type of poetry did they do in Ancient Greece?
2. Why did they have different time periods?
3. How did Archilachus become famous?
* Her presentation was entertaining, she had good information, good transitions, good presentation overall. 
* She didn't seem to know off of the top of her head a lot of information.
* She did a really good job over all, except it could of been a little more upbeat.
* Good Job (: 
Cole Alban - The Age of Pericles- 100%
1. Why weer there two different names?
2. Why did the age of Pericles come about?
3. Was the Peloponisian War stop the age of Pericles?
* He had a wide range of information that he was knowledgeable of.
* One of the best one's so far.
* It was well organized.
* There were many good pictures and icons.
* Great Job (: 

Well, we continued watching presentations today in class. Four people went and all did a really great job.
More projects will be finished next week.
I graded the four people that went today, they are the words posted above. 
Have a nice weekend Mr. Schick! 

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