Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Emily Waite - Breakthroughs Math and Science - 100% 
I gave Emily a 100%. I gave her a 100% because she knew what she was talking about. She brought in pie. She had nice images and good information. 
The three questions I can ask from her project are:

1. What did Aristotle come up with when you say that he discussed the difference between physics and math?
2. What is zoology?
3. How did he have the knowledge of predicting the eclipse? 

Rita Watson - Homer - 98% 
Rita had very good slides and very good images. Rita was disrespectful to the class so she only gets a 98%. 
1. What are some of the writing styles in his poems?
2. Was Homer highly respected? 
3. How did Homer write these stories if he was blind? 

Today was a fun class. We had fun and we ate pie. Well bye. 

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