Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Diamond realized that the question was far more complex than it appeared.
The question is old as history itself
How could Diamond possibly solve the great puzzles of human history...
To understand  where inequality came from he had to turn back the clock 1000 years back into pre history before inequality existed to figure out what inequality actually meant
The world was becoming warmer and wetter.
Humans were thriving the Middle East.
People hear lived like people everywhere at this time in small gatherings and groups.
They were frequently on the move.
Wherever they could find animals for food and caves for shelter they would go.
As seasons changed and animals migrated they would move onto another valley for food
The rainforest of New Guinea is a place present day where Diamond can see how people lived thousands of years ago
You have to be quite smart to be a hunter
13 thousand years ago people in the middle east hunted the same way tracking down what animal they could find
Hunting has never been a very productive way of finding food
You didn't always come back with someone
The people of New Guinea used  a bow and arrow just like they used to
Because hunting is so unpredictable particular society's had usually relied on gathering
A gathering is done by women an important part of food there is Sago
The have to get the pulp of the center
Gathering is usually a more productive way than hunting but doesn't provide enough calories to provide for New Guinea
One tree only yields about 70 pounds of sago
The sago starch is low on protein and can not be stored for long periods of time
In the Middle of East there were very dif. Plants together
Barley and Wheat much more nutritious than sago
12 and a half thousand years ago the world climate became colder
Global temps. Dropped and ice age conditions returned the world become colder and dryer
The middle East suffered an environmental clasp
Trees and plants and animal hers died out
The drought lasted thousands of years
Despite the conditions they would somehow survive
 middle east ^
Mr. Kite specializes in the stone age history of the middle east , work focused on The Jordan Sea a place known as dry
Part of a team of archeologists
This village of 40, 50 people living in the same place
they found that the city emerged 11 and a half million hears ago
When the drought ended in the middle east
At some point during the drought of the missile east people started growing their own food, they planted new fields of plant and barely around them , they were growing these next to their villages
People in the Middle East were becoming farmers. The first farmers in the world
These new farmers were changing the nature of the crops around them
The interrupeted the normal environemtnal cycle and elected certain plants that would be most useful to them
People were starting to control nature
Domestication -
Not so dif. Than what the first farmers were doing thousands of years ago in the middle east.
The people of New Guinea could not produce as much food as marmers
They were at a disadvantage
Diamond traveled to a new place where there were early farmers
China came along and started farming after the Middle East
They started growing rice
Than Africa
Than was an exception to the rule of farming spreading around the worlld the highlands of New Guinea
The highlands of New Guinea were said to be uninhabited
They ended up producing their own cargo
New Guineans crops can not be stored for years like we can. And they have to be planted one by one
People have so little protein that sometimes they eat giant spiders
Farming was clearly crucial but something just as crucial was the type of farming. Ultimately it game down to geographic luck.
Geographic luck is the very basis of Diamonds theory.
The people of Papa New Guinea were just as talented

1 comment:

  1. Massive notes, Madi! Now, see if you can consolidate them into a meaningful paragraph that summarizes what we see in class.
