Friday, April 29, 2011

Consulthe highest elected office of the Roman Republic and an appointive office under the Empire.
Vetoa way of enabling the tribunes to protect the interests of the plebeians from the encroachments of the patricians, who dominated the Senate.
Senate: a political institution in ancient Rome. It was one of the most enduring institutions in Roman history, being founded in the first days of the city.
Assemblypolitical institutions where the people who had the final say in decisions with the government.
Dictatoris a ruler who assumes sole and absolute power but without hereditary ascension such as a monarch.
Mercenarya person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict, and is "motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain.

1 (A) Plebeians were dissatisfied with Rome's government in the earlier years because it barred them from being able to hold most government positions, commanding armies or serving as high priests.
(B)Plebeians gained some power and rights when they decided to stop fighting in the army unless the patricians let them be a part of things.
(C) The plebeians made things more equal for all, enslavement by debt was ended and they had a code of laws called the twelve tables.

They thought they had a balanced government because they claimed that their government was partly a monarchy, partly and aristocracy, and partly a democracy.

Roman government won support of conquered people by giving them different laws and regulations. The Romans made sure they stayed and obeyed them.

4 (A)  At the start of the Punic Wars Carthage seemed to be stronger. That is because they have a population of about 250,000 and that was 3 times the size of Rome. They also had a huge 500 ship Navy.

4 (B) Rome was stronger. Rome could draw a reserve of more than 500, 000 troops. Second, Rome's citizen troops were a lot more loyal and reliable than the mercenaries employed by Carthage. Third, warfare was a 
Roman specialty.  

If Hannibal had been the victor, Carthage would have become the greatest empire in the world instead of Rome. 

6(A) They freed the Greeks of their ruler Phillip
6(b) The Greeks were greedy with their freedom. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today in class we took a 10 point quiz and I got a 6 on it. I am not happy with that at all. I don't think I was prepared for the quiz what so ever. I need to review the information more and read the text much more carefully than I did yesterday in class.
Than we took these notes:
Tarquin - The last Roman monarch (king)
In a democracy you vote directly on everything that is going to happen, such as in Ancient Greece.
In a republic you vote on a leader to make the decisions for us, such as in Ancient Rome.
After we went over the notes above, we went over vocabulary that we had to define yesterday in class from the text book.
The discussion helped me to have a better understanding of the vocabulary.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1. Define: (a) republic, (b) gravitas, (c) pater familias, (d) toga, (e) patrician, (f) plebeian, (g) legion, (h) century
Republic - A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders.
Gravitas - A person with discipline, strength, and loyalty.
Pater familias - Had the power to rule in the early Roman household by law and custom. The eldest man had this power. He was called this.
Toga - A loose one-piece outer garment worn in public by male citizens.
Patrician - Romans of the upper class.
Plebeian - The common farmers, artisans, and merchants 
Legion - Learning to fight Roman-style meant being part of a massive military unit.
Century - A period of 100 years.
1. How did geography help Rome? It was the center point within the central peninsula.
2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development? (a) Latins (b) Greeks (c) Etruscans 
(a) Rome was first started by a settlement of Latin shepherds.
(b) The Greeks set trade roots for the Romans.
(c) The Etruscans had an alphabet that the Romans later used.  Roman buildings show similarity's to Etruscans agriculture.
3. What were the values of early Roman society? Family was the main value of society. The household belonged to Pater familias.
4. (a) How was the Roman household organized? (b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society? (a) The women ran the household when the father was the protector of the house. (b) The wife advised her husband. The women could not vote.
5. How was the army linked to Roman society? You had to join the army before you could do anything else in society. All Roman men had to join the army. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Today in class we took our test. I thought that it was challenging, yet fair. I definitely think that I passed. I enjoyed studying about Greece. I found it very interesting. Later down my high school career I would like to expand my knowledge on Ancient Greece. I don't find things interesting very easily so I liked that we studied Greece. Between all the things that we have studied in Human Geo and Western Civilization I have found Greece the most entertaining. We missed you in class today ! It was boring. The sub was pretty nice, he was kinda boring but nice. For Easter I went out with my brother for lunch and than I went to dinner with my family .I had a really nice Easter break. It was nice and relaxing. Today I got my whole entire room cleaned, so that was an accomplishment ! I hope your Easter Break went well Mr. Schick !

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today in class we watched Goat Stampede on YouTube. It was much better to watch that than the battles in Alexandra. 
Emily Kennedy did her project: Alexander's conquest: 90%

Alexander was: —
* Born in Pella, capital of Macedonia
* Alexander was educated by Aristotle
* Son of Phillip II
—* First he attacked Thessaly 

* In 335 B.C. he defeated the Thracian, up through the Danube river
* Next he defeated and crushed the Illyrians

* Alexander declared war on Persia in 334 B.C., by defeating a Persian army near the city of
Troy. This resulted in the submission of all states in Asia Minor to him.

* Alexander then traveled Southward, where he defeated King Darius III, leader of the main

* Persian army in 333 B.C. at Issus of northeastern Syria.— 

* Next he conquered came Tyre in 332 B.C.

* Then he captured Gaza

* After that he traveled into Egypt. This gave him control over the entire eastern Mediterranean

* After that  Alexander spent about a year organizing all his lands, and preparing for his next
* He arrived in Babylon in 323 B.C.
* He died at the age of 33 from a fever.

* Alexander was known as one of the greatest leaders and had many, many conquest’s. 

* He will be in history books known for his leadership, strength, perseverance, & greatness. 

Q: What were the three orders 
A: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian 
Q: When was the first time people revolted against their leaders?
A: 508 BC

Q: What were the ancient Greek sculptors made of?
A: Marble, Bronze, and Limestone
Q: What were the five forms of Ancient Greek art?
A: architecture, sculpture, painting, painted pottery, and music

Greek Philosophers 
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle 

Peloponnesian War
Who, What, Where, When, Why, How

Greek Drama 

Math and Geometry in Ancient Greece
Test tomorrow 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander the Great Part II

The Battle of Gaugamela
250,000 Persian soldiers and 40,000 Macedonians
King of Persia - Darius and King of Athens Macedonia
The Macedonians won the Battle of Gaugamela.
Alexander at 25 was now king of all.
Darius retreats in cowardness and does the same thing with killing his own men later. So his own men turn on him and kill him.
Alexander traveled from Greek to Asian Minor, Egypt, Persian Empire (Babylon) He defeated Darius and won all of these battles the people of Babylon welcomed him as their new leader.
Alexander died at the age of 32.
On their way back from their battle in India from dome poison.

The Battle of Hydaspes
The last great battle of Alexander's career.
This was the Battle that Busephulus died.
Alexander was injured in battle.
Alexander still won the battle.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Bucephelus - Alexanders horse 
His father, Philip II, and everyone else thought that Bucephelus could not be tamed.
Aristotle is Alexander's tutor. 
When the Peloponnesian War was over and Sparta defeated Athens, Sparta only left them with 12 ships total, the rest of them were burnt to the water line. 
Alexander comes along when Athens is not as popular as they used to be. Alexander was taught by Aristotle that Greek's were 
His mother was Olympus and his father was Phillip II. They did not have a great relationship. Alexander did not have a good relationship with his father and his father did not have one with his mother. 
The family was so screwed up that Olympus t one point told Alex that Phillip was not his father and he was a son of a god. So he is constantly out to prove himself. 
Alexander never looses a battle and was very strong willed. 
Alexander had used Bucephelus in every battle up until the battle that Bucephelus was killed in, so than he named a city after him. 
Alexander was king at the age of 20. Alexander attacked the places that would criticize him and would attack every city state that would try to be better than him. 
Gaugamela, Persia - A battle that Alexander was in. This battle was taken place in the heart of the Persian Empire next to Babylon. Alexander was outnumber 1/6. 
The battle was supposed to kill Darius.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amir Parker - The Hellenic Age - 100
The Beginning
In 323 BC Alexander the Great died in Babylon, at age 32. In the place of Nebuchadnezzar ll, this marked the beginning of the Hellenic age
After Alexander's death his empire was divided into 4 kingdoms
The 4 Diadochoi
Important Discoveries and Feats
270 BC Aristarchus a Greek astronomer discovers an astronomical break through and states that the Earth revolves around the sun
250 BC Archimedes a Greek mathematician announces his theories on the laws of specific gravity
215 BC The construction of The Great Wall of China began
The First Punic War
The First Punic War began in 264 BC; the war was fought between Carthage and the Roman Republic
Archimedes was killed during the Roman siege of Syracuse
The First Punic War ended in 241 BC when the Romans defeated the Carthaginians
The Second Punic War
lasted from 218-201 BC
Rome declared war on Spain
The Roman Empire gained land in Northern Africa, Spain and the islands in the Western Mediterranean
The 3rd Punic War
Lasted from 149-146 BC ending the Hellenic age
Rome demanded that the Carthaginians abandon their city and move into North Africa
After the Carthaginians refused the Romans declared war and completely slaughtered the Carthaginians

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Greeks Crucible of Civilization

If you were an ancient female citizen you would see all the flaws of Socrates. He isn't attractive, but he is brilliant. He was put to death because of his ideas, he was making people think. He cared nothing for appearance are any of the other conventions of his day, he was only interested in the mind. He wanted to start a revolution in thinking all across the Greek world. The worlds first astronomers had gathered their views on astronomy, such as the movement of the stars, which they said the gods moved. They took to gods out of the heaven and replaced them with reason. Gradually the Greeks started to say, these are not persons, these are things. These Greeks began to calculate the movement of the Earth and the moon. It was the birth of science. Thales was the first great Greek scientist. He was the first man to measure the height of the Greek pyramid. The Greeks were making all these breakthroughs, learning that they can use science, mathematics, etc. Socrates was not interested in the stars and the heavens, he wanted to study people using reason and logic. He turned his back to the world of nature, he wanted to study the people. Socrates spent his days wandering the streets of Athens talking to people and studying them. He loves the city. His life was spent questioning the assumptions the fellow people of Athens asked about their life. Socrates told someone at a dinner party that he was more beautiful than this other man. A fight broke out. Socrates says you must make every decision on what you know is right, rather than no. Socrates says let no day pass without discussing an unexamined life is not worth living. He wants to make a point in the world. He want people to talk about reason.
The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War and Pericles was dead. The Athenians went to Socrates. For over 50 years Socrates had been questioning the ways of Athenian life. He changed the life of Athens. After they lost the war, he was arrested. The Athenians would now put to trial the one man that questioned the way they lived their lives. Socrates trial would be held in Athens central market place .He would be charged by a series of general citizens that had been chose. He would only be given a little time to defend him himself. He was timed by a water clock. He showed no fear to the face of his accuser's. He was stubborn, he said he would never cease to settle. It is not an approach designed to win sympathy. He is doing what he thinks is the right thing to do, he thinks the life he had chosen, which was thinking for yourself, was the best life to choose. If he simply apologized to the court, but instead he told the Jorey that he deserves free dinners. The court found Socrates guilty, with the penalty of death. He was taken to the court to Athens prison, the sight of the prison still exist, we can still trace the layout of the cell where Socrates was most likely hidden. He would be executed by drinking Hemlock. Some of the cups used for the Hemlock still exist. It was extremely painful. Socrates treated the affair as if it was nothing at all. He washed himself with the poison before he drank it. Socrates friends were more upset and broke down when the poison was poured. But Socrates to stop. He was dying on his bed,  his friends watched in silence. Socrates, in his life and in his death becomes a hero. From now on a hero of conviction.
Greek decided to build a empire, in the depths of defeat. The need to be critical and self critical is the message Socrates left behind. He wanted the people to mature. Athens was never the great amount of power it was before but it was never not, it was in the middle.
Today in Class ...

I did my project on Greek Art today.

Mark Michael - Greek Drama - 98%
1. Why did they come up with Greek Drama?
2. Why was Greek Drama so important to the Greeks?
3. Why did Greek Drama become so famous?
- He seemed to enjoy doing his project.
- He talked about his bullets.
- He seemed to know the information he was talking about.

Jason Drager - Greek Army and Battles - 100%
1. Did the Trojan War really exist?
2. Why was the spear the first choice of weapons, rather than the sword?
3. How did Alexander the Great become famous?
* Trojan War
Took place in many other places rather than Troy
The goal was to shorten the supplies that were getting to Troy so that they would have to surrender.
It was waged against the city of Trot, by the Achaeans.
The was was also one of the greatest events in Greek mythology.
The date of the Trojan War was from 1194 - 1184 B.C.
In the mythological version of the Trojan War the warriors are able to sneak inside the walls of Troy with a giant horse build out of wood that they hid inside of.
Some people ever speculate that the Trojan horse existed.
* Peloponnesian War
431-404 BC
The cause of the War was that Sparta was getting nervous about the growing power of Athens, so they went to war.
The main thing that made them nervous was the power that the Athenian navy was the thing that really made the Spartans nervous.
The Spartans had a very good strategy throughout the war by attacking not just
* Weapons
* Alexander the Great
Was one of the greatest commanders of all time
He as undefeated in battle
In 334 B.C. he started his campaign against the Persian empire by invading Asia minor.
He was able to take over the Persian empire
He was on of Alexander the Greats generals
He was appointed by him to command the troops left in India
He became a very powerful man after Alexander the Great died.
- Really good information.
- He knew his information really well

Friday, April 8, 2011

Emily Stasuk - Trail of Socrates - 98 %
1. Was Socrates highly respected in Athens or did he upset them?
2. What does non-democratic thinking mean?
3. What is more information on the trial? 
* She seems to have a good understanding about her project, but I don't know if she really knows the information that she is talking about. 
* She has a good power point, good information, and good images. 
* If she explained her power point I would of gave her a 100%, but I think over all she got a 98%. 
* She did a very good job (: 
Rachel Weskalnies - Greek Architecture - 99% 
1. What as the Erechtheum? 
2. What were the Order's? 
3. Were the Greek's the first one's in the world to start agriculture?
* Her video was good! 
* Her power point was good! 
* Her model of Parthenon was good!
* Overall she did a really good job and it seems that she had fun with her project!
* She could of had a little bit more knowledge of the information. But other than that great job! (:
Elena Fernandez - Greek Poets - 90 %
1. What type of poetry did they do in Ancient Greece?
2. Why did they have different time periods?
3. How did Archilachus become famous?
* Her presentation was entertaining, she had good information, good transitions, good presentation overall. 
* She didn't seem to know off of the top of her head a lot of information.
* She did a really good job over all, except it could of been a little more upbeat.
* Good Job (: 
Cole Alban - The Age of Pericles- 100%
1. Why weer there two different names?
2. Why did the age of Pericles come about?
3. Was the Peloponisian War stop the age of Pericles?
* He had a wide range of information that he was knowledgeable of.
* One of the best one's so far.
* It was well organized.
* There were many good pictures and icons.
* Great Job (: 

Well, we continued watching presentations today in class. Four people went and all did a really great job.
More projects will be finished next week.
I graded the four people that went today, they are the words posted above. 
Have a nice weekend Mr. Schick! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Colleen McCormick - Greek Philosophers -  98% 
My questions are:
What do the olives how to do with Thales?
Do people know how many writing's Thales has had? 
What does Socrates trial mean? 
Why did Epicureans come about? 
A lot of information, overall she did a really good job. Sometimes there was too much information and there were some spelling errors.
The unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  
Amir ParkerHelicon Age - 100%
What all happened in the Helicon Age with Alexander the Great?
Amir had technical difficulties and had to give his report without any sources. Which I personally think is a difficult thing to do, especially because it was unexpected. Amir also came in dressed as a Greek would during the Helicon Age.. He was entertaining and he really knew what he was talking about.
My questions to ask about Amir's project?
- Alexander the Great mixed cultures together during the Helicon Age.
He will finish his project tomorrow. 
BYE (: 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Emily Waite - Breakthroughs Math and Science - 100% 
I gave Emily a 100%. I gave her a 100% because she knew what she was talking about. She brought in pie. She had nice images and good information. 
The three questions I can ask from her project are:

1. What did Aristotle come up with when you say that he discussed the difference between physics and math?
2. What is zoology?
3. How did he have the knowledge of predicting the eclipse? 

Rita Watson - Homer - 98% 
Rita had very good slides and very good images. Rita was disrespectful to the class so she only gets a 98%. 
1. What are some of the writing styles in his poems?
2. Was Homer highly respected? 
3. How did Homer write these stories if he was blind? 

Today was a fun class. We had fun and we ate pie. Well bye. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today in class we went over our projects. We all paired up with a partner and our partner presented our project to us. My partner was Emily Kennedy. Who project was very good. It was well prepared and well written. She had good information that was very useful and she presented the project well and clearly. We will have to be presenting our projects to the class. I did my project on Greek artist. I will be presenting my class soon in a class to come. I have bullets on the history of Greek art. I also chose six famous Greek artist that I have information on and pictures of each of them. I will hang the pictures on the chalk board and I will talk about each one to the class. I think it is a good project and will be a very exciting presentation that I hope people enjoy.