Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Bucephelus - Alexanders horse 
His father, Philip II, and everyone else thought that Bucephelus could not be tamed.
Aristotle is Alexander's tutor. 
When the Peloponnesian War was over and Sparta defeated Athens, Sparta only left them with 12 ships total, the rest of them were burnt to the water line. 
Alexander comes along when Athens is not as popular as they used to be. Alexander was taught by Aristotle that Greek's were 
His mother was Olympus and his father was Phillip II. They did not have a great relationship. Alexander did not have a good relationship with his father and his father did not have one with his mother. 
The family was so screwed up that Olympus t one point told Alex that Phillip was not his father and he was a son of a god. So he is constantly out to prove himself. 
Alexander never looses a battle and was very strong willed. 
Alexander had used Bucephelus in every battle up until the battle that Bucephelus was killed in, so than he named a city after him. 
Alexander was king at the age of 20. Alexander attacked the places that would criticize him and would attack every city state that would try to be better than him. 
Gaugamela, Persia - A battle that Alexander was in. This battle was taken place in the heart of the Persian Empire next to Babylon. Alexander was outnumber 1/6. 
The battle was supposed to kill Darius.  

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