Thursday, April 7, 2011

Colleen McCormick - Greek Philosophers -  98% 
My questions are:
What do the olives how to do with Thales?
Do people know how many writing's Thales has had? 
What does Socrates trial mean? 
Why did Epicureans come about? 
A lot of information, overall she did a really good job. Sometimes there was too much information and there were some spelling errors.
The unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates
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Amir ParkerHelicon Age - 100%
What all happened in the Helicon Age with Alexander the Great?
Amir had technical difficulties and had to give his report without any sources. Which I personally think is a difficult thing to do, especially because it was unexpected. Amir also came in dressed as a Greek would during the Helicon Age.. He was entertaining and he really knew what he was talking about.
My questions to ask about Amir's project?
- Alexander the Great mixed cultures together during the Helicon Age.
He will finish his project tomorrow. 
BYE (: 

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