Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amir Parker - The Hellenic Age - 100
The Beginning
In 323 BC Alexander the Great died in Babylon, at age 32. In the place of Nebuchadnezzar ll, this marked the beginning of the Hellenic age
After Alexander's death his empire was divided into 4 kingdoms
The 4 Diadochoi
Important Discoveries and Feats
270 BC Aristarchus a Greek astronomer discovers an astronomical break through and states that the Earth revolves around the sun
250 BC Archimedes a Greek mathematician announces his theories on the laws of specific gravity
215 BC The construction of The Great Wall of China began
The First Punic War
The First Punic War began in 264 BC; the war was fought between Carthage and the Roman Republic
Archimedes was killed during the Roman siege of Syracuse
The First Punic War ended in 241 BC when the Romans defeated the Carthaginians
The Second Punic War
lasted from 218-201 BC
Rome declared war on Spain
The Roman Empire gained land in Northern Africa, Spain and the islands in the Western Mediterranean
The 3rd Punic War
Lasted from 149-146 BC ending the Hellenic age
Rome demanded that the Carthaginians abandon their city and move into North Africa
After the Carthaginians refused the Romans declared war and completely slaughtered the Carthaginians

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