Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today in class we watched Goat Stampede on YouTube. It was much better to watch that than the battles in Alexandra. 
Emily Kennedy did her project: Alexander's conquest: 90%

Alexander was: —
* Born in Pella, capital of Macedonia
* Alexander was educated by Aristotle
* Son of Phillip II
—* First he attacked Thessaly 

* In 335 B.C. he defeated the Thracian, up through the Danube river
* Next he defeated and crushed the Illyrians

* Alexander declared war on Persia in 334 B.C., by defeating a Persian army near the city of
Troy. This resulted in the submission of all states in Asia Minor to him.

* Alexander then traveled Southward, where he defeated King Darius III, leader of the main

* Persian army in 333 B.C. at Issus of northeastern Syria.— 

* Next he conquered came Tyre in 332 B.C.

* Then he captured Gaza

* After that he traveled into Egypt. This gave him control over the entire eastern Mediterranean

* After that  Alexander spent about a year organizing all his lands, and preparing for his next
* He arrived in Babylon in 323 B.C.
* He died at the age of 33 from a fever.

* Alexander was known as one of the greatest leaders and had many, many conquest’s. 

* He will be in history books known for his leadership, strength, perseverance, & greatness. 

Q: What were the three orders 
A: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian 
Q: When was the first time people revolted against their leaders?
A: 508 BC

Q: What were the ancient Greek sculptors made of?
A: Marble, Bronze, and Limestone
Q: What were the five forms of Ancient Greek art?
A: architecture, sculpture, painting, painted pottery, and music

Greek Philosophers 
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle 

Peloponnesian War
Who, What, Where, When, Why, How

Greek Drama 

Math and Geometry in Ancient Greece
Test tomorrow 

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 25/25
    2) 24/25
    3) 25/25
    4) 23/25

    Total: 97/100

    (Your classmates gave you a 96.)
