Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander the Great Part II

The Battle of Gaugamela
250,000 Persian soldiers and 40,000 Macedonians
King of Persia - Darius and King of Athens Macedonia
The Macedonians won the Battle of Gaugamela.
Alexander at 25 was now king of all.
Darius retreats in cowardness and does the same thing with killing his own men later. So his own men turn on him and kill him.
Alexander traveled from Greek to Asian Minor, Egypt, Persian Empire (Babylon) He defeated Darius and won all of these battles the people of Babylon welcomed him as their new leader.
Alexander died at the age of 32.
On their way back from their battle in India from dome poison.

The Battle of Hydaspes
The last great battle of Alexander's career.
This was the Battle that Busephulus died.
Alexander was injured in battle.
Alexander still won the battle.

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